This is going to be a fantastic and fun year! Please make sure you save or bookmark this URL. It will contain our class schedule, upcoming events, homework information, and much more. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have! The best way to contact me is to email me at
Monday – PE
Tuesday – Library
Wednesday – Art
Thursday – Music
Friday - Fit Friday / PLC
September 19-22
October 17-20
November 28-Dec 2
January 23-26
February 21-24 (Tues.-Fri.)
March 20-23
April 18-21 (17th is a bad weather day)
May 15-19
Breakfast costs $1.25
Lunch costs $2.50
Menu & Online Meal Payments link:
colorful post it notes
ziploc bags (sandwich, quart, and gallon)
sharpies (all colors)
color printer paper (bright colors)
hand sanitizer ( for each table)
electric pencil sharpener
Children's games (to play during indoor recess)
Brightly colored bath rugs (to use when sitting on the floor during various activities)
7:45 Announcments
7:55 Prime Time
8:15 English/Grammar/ Writing
8:45 Reading/Social Studies
9:15 Dailly 5/Snack
10:10 Spelling
10:30 Math (Daily Routines)
10:55 Recess
11:25 Lunch
11:55 Bathroom Break
12:10 Math
1:05 Fine Arts:
1:55 Science
2:30 Pack Up
2:55 Buses and Daycare dismiss
3:00 Walkers / Car Riders
9/19-9/22: Parent Lunch Week
Classroom News: